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Corporate Governance

This CEO-led task force has identified cyber security roles and responsibilities within the corporate management structure, referencing and combining best practices and metrics that bring accountability to three key elements of a cyber security system: people, process and technology.

Full Report (PDF)
Process and Statistical Appendix (PPT)


  • Bill Conner, President, CEO and Chairman, Entrust
  • Art Coviello, President and CEO, RSA


  • Rick White, President and CEO, TechNet

Subcommittee Chairs: 

  • Michael Sullivan, Entrust, Inc, Co-Chair, Framework Subcommittee
  • Howard Hantman, RSA Security Inc., Co-Chair, Framework Subcommittee
  • Maureen Glynn, Intel Corporation, Chair, Corporate Implementation Subcommittee
  • Mark Luker, EDUCAUSE, Chair, Education and Non-Profit Implementation Subcommittee
  • John W. Lainhart, IBM, Co-Chair, Verification & Compliance Subcommittee
  • Dave Cullinane, Washington Mutual/ISSA, Co-Chair, Verification & Compliance Subcommittee

Michael Aisenberg, VeriSign

Julia Allen, Carnegie Mellon University

Scott Bergs, Midwest Wireless Holdings

Mark Bohannon, Software & Information Industry Association

Dan Burton, Entrust, Inc.

Susan Caldwell, IT Governance Institute

Robert Dix, U.S. House of Representatives

Mark Egan, Symantec

Cristin Flynn, MCI

Kevin Gahan, MCI

Susan Getgood, SurfControl

Margie Gilbert, U.S. House of Representatives

Ed Glover, Sun Microsystems

Amy Goodman, Gibson, Dunn & Crutcher, LLP

Matt Halbleib, Intel Corporation

Edward Hearst, Sybase

Robert Higgens, Motorola

Joy Hughes, George Mason University

Shannon Kellogg, RSA Security Inc.

Susan Kennedy, University of Pennsylvania

William Levant, Deloitte

James Lewis, CSIS

Mark Lindig, KPMG/GSC

John McClurg, Lucent Technologies/ Bell Labs

Charles Meister, University of Southen California, ICIIP

Rod Nydam, PCIS/ Morris, Manning & Martin, LLP

Will Ozier, OPA, Inc.

Rodney Peterson, EDUCAUSE

Michael Rasmussen, Forrester Research/ISSA

Robyn Render, University of North Carolina

Mike Roberts, Darwin Group

Douglas Sabo, Network Associates

Laney Settelmeyer, Intel Corporation

Marilyn Thornton, ALLTEL

John Williams, Preventsys

Morley Winograd, CTM

Gordon Wishon, University of Notre Dame